Adriana Lima was discovered at the age of 13 by a model scout at her local mall. Since then she has become one of the worlds top supermodel and is one of the famous Victorias Secret Angels! How did she get such an amazing figure? Well it does come down to genetics too a degree but the gorgeous Brazilian supermodel does put in some work too. Her favorite form of exercise is something called Capoeira (dance, music acrobatics and choreographed's a Brazilian martial art).

Like most celebrities and models who are asked about their diet and exercise regime so often she doesn't give much away. She does however say that the secret to her clear skin is to drink lots of water and get lots of rest. I'm trying to find her exact workout regime and diet. I wish I knew exactly what a supermodel ate in a day...I want a supermodel body. So many times celebrities claim they are following a generic diet of lean protein and vegetables when really they are doing some form of extreme diet.

In an industry where you are paid for looking good, the following quote from Adriana Lima just doesn't seem right. "I try to control what I eat, but the truth is I can't. I tried to give up meat last week, but I only lasted three days. I just couldn't do it. I love meat, chocolate, and cakes. For the moment I like my body. I don't think it's the best one, but I don't have anything I don't like about it-yet...I've never been to the gym, I do nothing."

That hardly seems fair! I've seen the way that the modeling agencies and fashion designers criticize models for their weight and I imagine there is a great deal of pressure for super models to be thin. Perhaps Adriana Lima doesn't eat as much as she says she does and her secret to staying so thin is portion control (only eating when you are hungry and stopping when you are full).

I have seen pictures of her smoking a cigarette, this could be to suppress her appetite. I do know girls who take up smoking to lose weight. It's ridiculous and will all come back to bite them in the future.
By Melissa Larone


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